Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Patch me up

I was so hurt. We had this activity to put descriptive positive and negative words to our class mates. It is a good thing that at least people has something to say even if it is negative, but, these words are not sinking into me like realizations, they are sinking into me and forming hatred and hurt and anger. “bossy” I don’t even talk that much, I talk only when necessary, well maybe this is what our professor called our blinds or unawareness of some of our personalities. But even if I do, it is for the benefit of everyone because I have to, and if they feel so that way, it’s maybe because they do not want to be or not used to be told to what they have to do. Bossy maybe yeah if I am agitated, so there’s this stimulus who agitated me. “feeling leader”, this fired up my nerves, in the first place, I did not even volunteered myself on all occasions to be a leader. They drop my name and ended up turning unto me as a leader, and so, me, as a voted leader act as a leader and feeling the feel of the being a leader, and do my best as much as I can, maybe it was too much. Darn it, sometimes I just hate people. Maybe that is why there was an invention of robots, and just resorting to just having pets, and just talking to pets, and art, and music and dodgeball.